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what gun should i take

What Gun Class Should I Take?


         We are in unprecedented times, with individuals are buying firearms at an unexpected and incredible rate, many of which asking “what gun class should I take?” In order to ensure the safety of all, we have always offered a wide variety of courses. Now, the question has become what order you should take these classes in. Included in this post today is a helpful flow chart that can help direct you through the different paths you may be on. Everyone’s journey is different, and that’s okay! These firearm training classes are meant to teach you, regardless of your education level or comfort with firearms. Whether you are taking our beginner gun courses or our advanced ones, there is always something new to learn and to understand. By following the order recommended by our expert instructors, you will be able to get the full value out of the education passed along to you!

what gun class should I take


 Firearms Training for Beginners

Brand new shooters have loads of things to discern and understand prior to their first purchase. Answering the question “what gun class should I take” starts with understanding the purpose of the firearm being picked up. Firearms are built for different reasons. Some are smaller, and better to conceal on the body, but, have significantly less in the magazine for that reason. In short, we don’t buy a micro-pistol for home defense only. There are ample nuances to understand with a firearm, so, what better way to get started than with our Firearm Fitting Course! This beginner gun class allows you to work one on one with an instructor to find the right gun for you. Our expert staff will help you shoot a variety of handguns, in different sizes and calibers, to best fit you to the right gun. Getting something that is right for you is the best first step in your journey to becoming a responsible gun owner. Additionally, by taking our Firearm Fitting class first, you will be able to then move along to the Basic Pistol Skills I course with your own firearm to train with and learn on.

what gun class should i take

Basic Pistol Skills I is a great beginner gun class to take after you have a firearm that is right for you. This class takes you through all the fundamentals of owning and safely shooting a handgun and gives you more one on one interactions on the range to ensure your safety as well as allowing you to learn correctly. The absolute hardest thing to break is a bad habit with a new shooter. We find often that shooters who are entirely self-taught accidentally pick up dangerous or incorrect handling practices, which is why we recommend starting off with a Basic Pistol Skills course. This class is offered at our Missouri Location as well as our Kansas Location. This will ensure that you are taught the correct fundamentals from the beginning and keep you from starting off with bad habits!

 Getting Started at the Intermediate Level

After taking your Firearm Fitting and Basic Pistol Skills I, the next training we recommend is our Concealed Carry Course which is a beginner to intermediate level class. If you already own a firearm and you have some prior experience with them, you can start your education with the CCW. The Concealed Carry Class is not recommended for those who are brand new to the firearms world. We recommend at least some level of previous firearm experience or training as the CCW class does not provide the necessary one on one training for new shooters. This class does not provide the same one on one attention that can be found during a Basic Pistol Skills I course while on the range. All the shooting that is done is for qualification. If you are a new shooter, be sure to start with our Gun Fitting, Private Lesson, or Basic Pistol Skills I as mentioned above. The Concealed Carry Course, however, is a beginner gun class that is a good one to take, even if you are uncertain about carrying a firearm. To have the training and knowledge in your toolbox is a great asset! The first four hours of the course are based around providing a refresher on basic handgun operation. Next, you will qualify on the range, then you will spend the final hours learning about how to carry, where you can carry, and when you are able to defend yourself with a firearm. This training is incredibly helpful even if you are intending only to begin your journey by buying a firearm for home defense. Understanding safe operation and use of force laws can translate into many situations. We often tell our clients, if you are worried about defending yourself in your home, do you not think that very same potential threat may accost you on the street? Personal protection is a matter we take into our own hands every day, and the more education you bring into that with you, the better off you are. Sign up for our Missouri Location or Kansas Location here!

Continuing your Journey: What Firearm Training Courses to Take After the Concealed Carry Class

After going through the first few classes, the worst thing you can do is simply stop your educational journey! Education is lifelong, and that certainly applies to firearms as well! One of the great training tools that we offer is the Simulator! The Simulator allows you to practice handling and operating a firearm without the stress of live fire. Additionally, the Simulator allows you to work one on one with our expert instructors to learn more about when you can defend yourself legally. From shooting zombies to home invasion drills, the simulator room is a great tool. Our Situational Decision-Making Course, which utilizes the simulator, is the perfect one to take immediately following your completion of the Concealed Carry Class. This intermediate-level class will help create a practical application experience for you, ensuring that the use of force training learned in the CCW class is not forgotten.

 Lifelong Learning

            Training is something that must be done constantly in order to become better. The old adage says, “it is the greatest samurai that lets their sword rust in the scabbard.” This doesn’t mean the warrior doesn’t know how to use their tool but is wise enough to never need it. We always hope that our clients remain safe in their daily lives, and never need to use any of the knowledge learned in our classes, save for on the range. However, understanding how to use your firearm in case it is necessary is incredibly important. Take classes, watch videos, and go to the range often. Our staff is always excited to help you along in your personal protection journey, so come on in to meet with our team today.

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